Notification Management!
As far as I can remember notifications have been a mess on iOS. Sure the iOS way of notifications work if you have a limited number of apps, but as soon as you have a substantial amount of apps or you enter a really active group chat all that changes. You're notification screen becomes just becomes an unmanageable mess. With pages and pages of notifications. Frankly I'm surprised that Apple hasn't fixed this already. At this point I really don't care if iOS rips off the Android way of notifications but something needs to be done about them notifications.
Wifi And Bluetooth Controls In Control Centre
Starting with iOS 11 you weren't able to turn off wifi and bluetooth directly from the control centre. If you hit the wifi or bluetooth icons in the control centre all you would have done is disable wifi or bluetooth not turn them off. I feel kind of hypocritical putting this ion the list as I've actually found this feature quite useful whether it was with easily connecting my bluetooth headphones or for turning on personal hotspot, it has been moderately useful. So I'd like to see a toggle in settings that lets you either turn off settings directly from the control centre or from the settings.
Don't Put Control Centre At The Top
With Apple rumoured to release a massive 6.5 inch iPhone this year having the control centre controls at the top right corner will make the phone almost unusable with a single hand. Quite frankly it is quite awkward on the iPhone X. I'm sure Apple can find a much easier solution for the control centre issue than the one they already have. 3D touching the bottom of the screen to bring up the control centre is one good idea that I read online and I see no reason why that couldn't be implemented. It would be quite similar to the 3D touch for multitasking feature we already have.
Group FaceTime
Group FaceTime might just be the elusive goose of iPhone users. I mean this one feature has been rumoured so many times. We've been asking for this since iOS 10 and its still no where to be found.If group FaceTime does make its way onto iOS 12 it'll be such a welcome change. Tons of third party apps have jumped at the opportunity the lack of group FaceTime has brought them and has brought out their own video calling apps, including a few that are iMessage extensions.
More 3D Touch

I'll admit back in the days of iOS 9 3D Touch did seem like a gimmick, but over the past two years 3D touch has really matured into this really useful feature that I find myself using quite frequently. Especially for snooping on conversations. Turns out if you read a text while you're peeking at it, the message is still considered as an unread text. I cant tell you how useful this has been. iOS 12 could really capitalise on 3D touch and implement 3D Touch into more parts of iOS 12. Something that I would personally love top see is customisable 3D Touch toggles. I would love to customise the toggles that come up when you 3D Touch an app. For example I really don't use the "Mobile Data" 3D Touch toggle when you 3D Touch the Settings app I would love to replace it with say notifications. This for me would make 3D touch more useful than it already is.
So those are my top 5 features for iOS 12. Did I miss something you really thought was important? Do let me know.
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