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Showing posts from June, 2019

So Which Is The Best Browser For Your Mac?

With all the chrome bashing that's been going on of late, It got me wondering and a bit jealous cause I was missing out on the aforementioned Chrome bashing. Does it really matter what browser you use? I mean they all fundamentally do the same thing, It turns all the ones and zeros of the internet into things that you can actually read on your screen. But as is turns out a whole lot of things have to happen for your favourite website to be displayed to you, In the shady back alleys of code that our browsers run on, It turns out that each browser does things a little bit differently. So what are our options? The Three main browsers that we'll be taking a look at today will be Safari, Firefox and Chrome.  Safari Safari is the browser that comes with your iPhone or iPad or your Mac as we are discussing in this case. It's a fast fluid responsive modern browser. It's my browser on choice. Safari a few things going for it. First off it's a first pa...